Pastor Dustin Jones preaching in Lomas del Rio
Pastor Dustin Jones and Pastor Blake Andrews
We are unstoppable on the basketball court and violent against the devil!!
When we first came to Los Cuadros, Manuel was sleeping on the streets outside the church. His addiction like so many in Los Cuadros was crack. He was skin and bones and dirty. He lived like an animal. Every time I saw him I would tell him about Jesus. In the mornings at prayer he would come over and get a cup of coffee, but he couldn't get away from the preaching. We constantly share the gospel with the drugaddicts. Nobody wants anything to do with them. But God loves them and he wants them. In June, Manuel left Los Cuadros and entered a drug rehab center. He turned from his addiction to crack and sin and turned to Jesus. And Jesus has completely set him free! Praise God!!